Expert Talk

      1. Delivered two sessions on “Screencast creation Using Camtasia and Open Source Video Editing Techniques and Post-production Tools” during online training program on ‘Effective Educational content Development’ from 02/9/20 to 8/09/20, organized by PCCOE in association with IETE.

      1. Delivered lecture on “PCA and Dimensionality Reduction Techniques”, for STTP on “Research Methodology and Optimization Techniques”, at PCCOE, Pune, on 8th and 9th May 2019.

      1. Delivered lecture on “Feature Extraction and Face Recognition”, for STTP on “Image Processing and Machine Learning for Biometrics and Healthcare”, at IT department, PCCOE, Pune, on7th March 2018.

      1. Delivered lecture on “Recent Developments of antennas in Industries”, at D Y Patil Institute of Management and Research, Akurdi, Pune on 31st August 2017.

      1. Delivered Plenary Talk in the UGC, SAP(DRS-I) sponsored National Seminar on, “Natural Language Processing and Image Processing, NLPIP-2015 (14-15 March 2015)”, organized by School of Computer Science, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, (MS).

      1. Delivered a lecture on “Time Frequency Analysis” for the event “Tech Talk” during Inter-Collegiate Technical Festival “TRANSMISSION 09” at Xavier Institute of Engineering, Mahim on 6th March 09.

      1. Delivered lecture on “Face Recognition” during STTP on Signal Processing and Communication, at D J Sanghvi College of Engineering (10-20 Dec 2007)

      1. Delivered lecture at, Two days’ workshop on “Microwave Devices, Recent Trends and Future Challenges” (July 21, 2006 to July 22, 2006), Organized by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Thakur College of Engineering & Technology, Mumbai (Under ISTE-TCET Chapter)

      1. Delivered lecture on Microwave Engineering Laboratory at Two days’ workshop on “Art of Conducting Laboratory”, for faculty members, Organized by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, DJSCOE , Sept.2-3, 2005 (Under DJSCOE-ISTE Chapter).